Practice Area

Consumer Disputes

Valor to Make it Possible

Technological advancements have boosted the market strategies in a dynamic manner. With the help of technology consumer is now exposed to a huge market filled with options and possibilities. Although it has helped the consumers on one hand but unfortunately it has also intensified consumer exploitation on the other hand. Therefore, to strike a balance between the benefits and exploitation of consumers a unique legislation has been formulated by the legislature for protecting the rights of the consumers in India. The Consumer Protection Act, 1987, was formulated by the legislature to protect the innocent consumers from being exploited by the manufacturers and service providers. This law has been amended time and again to cope-up with the developing times ensuring the fulfillment of its object.

With the efflorescence of e-commerce, the exploitation of consumers has become a child’s play. Striking against consumer exploitation of all forms our fearless lawyers work to bring justice one step closer for innocent consumers through their skills and unique courtroom experiences before the NCDRC and other consumer disputes redressal forums.

Notably, we advised a multinational organisation based in the Middle East on cross-border transactions for execution of a construction project, assisting in its implementation by navigating through international tax laws and compliances.

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